
Original Post was from Mitbbs, by flora2083

材料清单 (List of Documents)

DS156表(2份)---------------------DS-156 Form
DS157表(2份)---------------------DS-157 Form
亲属关系公证------------------------Notarial certificate of relationship
工作证明(2份)---------------------Proof of work status
户口本(1本)-----------------------Certificate of registered permanent
身份证(2个)-----------------------Identification card
房产证(2本)----------------------Title deed of housing
银行存款证明(2份)----------------Certificate of bank deposit
工资存折(2本)--------------------Deposit books of our salary
单位准假信(2份)---The approval letters from our working place which
approves a 10-week leave
签证申请费收据(2份)--------------Receipts of visa application fee
股票持有证明-----------------------Certificate of our stocks ownership
医疗保险证明(2份)----------------Certificate of our healthy insurance
家庭照片(1本)-------------------Pictures of our daughter, son-in-low and
our family
住房公积金年度对帐单(2份)--------Housing accumulation fund statements of
劳动合同书------------------------Labor Contracts between our working places
and us
QQ聊天记录-------------------------Chatting record of instant messenger QQ
163来往E-mail通信记录-------------E-mail records between our daughter and us
in the mail box 163.com
GMAIL来往E-mail通信记录-----------E-mail records between our daughter and us
in mail box of Gmail.com

1、我和老公的邀请信-------Invitation letter from our daughter and our son-in
2、大学的邀请信----------------Invitation letter from Purdue University
3、老公的在读证明-----------Certificate of academic registration of our son-
4、老公的奖学金证明-------------Certificate of financial support of our son-
5、老公的成绩单------------------------Transcript of our son-in-law
6、老公的I-20表复印件-----------------Copy of son-in-low's I-20 Form
7、我的I-20表复印件-------------------Copy of daughter's I-20 Form
8、老公的护照复印件--------------------Copy of son-in-low's passport
9、老公的2004年签证复印件-------------Copy of son-in-low's 2004 visa
10、老公的2005年签证和I-94表复印件-Copies of son-in-low's 2005 visa and I-94
11、老公的2005年签证和I94反面复印件----Copies of son-in-low's-2005 visa and
the back of I-94 Form
12、我的护照复印件----------------------Copy of daughter's passport
13、我的2005年I-94表和签证复印件-----Copies of daughter's 2005 visa and I-94
14、我的2005年I-94表反面和签证复印件----Copies of daughter's 2005 visa and
the back of I-94 Form
15、我和老公的结婚证复印件-----------Copy of daughter and son-in-low's
marriage certificate
16、老公和我的结婚证复印件-----------Copy of son-in-low and daughter's
marriage certificate
17、老公的SSN社会安全号码卡-------Copy of our son-in-low's social security
驾驶执照------------------------- Copy of son-in-low's driver's license
学生证复印件--------------------- Copy of son-in-low's student ID
18、我和老公的健康医疗保险卡复印件----Copies of son-in-low and daughter's
healthy insurance cards
19、2004和2005年的W-2税表复印件两页-------W-2 Tax Forms of 2004 and 2005
20、我的预驾照复印件----------------Copy of our daughter's driver's learner
21、老公的普渡大学工资单---------Payrolls of our son-in-low from Purdue
22、银行帐户记录------------Household bank statements of our daughter and
23、信用卡消费记录----Household credit card statements of our daughter and
24、房租账单-----------------Housing rent statements of our daughter and son



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I called them three times already. I want to make an appoinment on Dec 27th. But still can't do it. I will keep calling every day...

匿名天使 的头像

because they are in Christmas Holiday.