Submitted by 匿名天使 (未验证) on 2009-05-15 21:18
Submitted by 匿名天使 (未验证) on 2008-12-13 19:44
The visa officer only asked for resume.
Submitted by 匿名天使 (未验证) on 2008-11-20 20:50
VO: Where are you studying?
M: U of M, AA
VO: How do you like it?
M: I like it very much.
VO(laugf): how about the weather?
VO: yeah, I konw. Well, you know, i just sent my son to U ov Wisconsin...
M: wow, I heard that place is even worse in winter, but it has beautiful spring and summer there.
VO:so what are you doing at the university
VO:can i see your supporting letters?
M: sure ( i have three letters: mentor, department, I-center)
VO:research plan?