
我前段日子问是否可以自己带奶得道了部错的回复, 这两天打电话给达美发现他们飞机上居然提供牛奶的, 想请问知道的朋友他们提供是低脂还是全脂奶呢? 凉的还是热的呢? 我女儿喝惯了温的了, 冷的怕她不要喝呢。

jixia 的头像


匿名天使 的头像

Air China provided it to my young daughter several years ago. It's cold but you can heat it by putting the bottle in hot water.

匿名天使 的头像


jixia 的头像

of course, i thought about bring whole milk by ourselves. the problem is i have no idea about the security gate. i called Delta at least 10 times concerning this issue but got all different answers every single time which frustrate me so much. so i m here trying to find another way to solve this problem.my baby is over one year old so we don't use formula anymore plus i tasted her formula think whole milk taste so much better.

匿名天使 的头像
