[签证经历] H1B 沈阳 11/24/2008


今天沈阳签的人特别的多,大部分是签B类. 预约的是九点半,十点半才进领事馆,十一点半签出,我是上午最后的第三个。今天只有两个签证官,一个黑人,一个亚裔。两个问的问题都很多,特别是对签F1的学生。本来以为我已返签两次了,应该不会问很多问题,但是黑人签证官还是问了我很多问题,The funny this was he asked a lot questions regarding my school background, none of his questions related to my job.

A week before the interview, I sent the I797 form via email to the consulate to verify whether it is in PIMS. I got the reply pretty quick and confirmed it is in PIMS. However the visa officer informed me at the end of the interview today that my I797 form is not in PIMS and will take a couple of weeks to verify. I was confused and mentioned the confirmation email from consulate to him. He won't listen and insist my I797 is not in the system. Still he gave me a passport receipt for mailing purpose. Even though I am not in a hurry about going back to the states and can wait for a couple of weeks, I was still very upset and wrote a complaint email to the consulate right after the interview. They replied my email in an hour and told me that they made a mistake, my I797 is in PIMS and I should receive my visa by the end of the week via mail. I am very impressed by the efficiency and quickness of their job.

Since I got a lot of info and help from this site, I am sharing my experiences with you guys and also wish you all good luck!



匿名天使 的头像

Did everyone apply for H1-B need to verify the PIMS?
It will be my first time for H-1B visa interview. What is PIMS?

匿名天使 的头像

I got conflicting info regarding how to print the I-156 form. At one place (the English version) it says 2-sided printing while the Chinese version says 1-sided printing.

How did you print your I-156? Thanks.

I am also curious about the PIMS verification thing.... what is it? Thanks again.

匿名天使 的头像


匿名天使 的头像

what is your email address you used to verify the PIMS?

xiaoman7988996 的头像

what is your email address you used to verify the PIMS?