帮妈妈寻找10月6日从上海浦东(united 858)在旧金山转机(united 862)到波士顿的飞友


seasonwind 的头像


seasonwind 的头像


匿名天使 的头像


匿名天使 的头像


匿名天使 的头像

I cannot agree. I lived in Boston for 4 years before moving to the southern part. I only drove to NYC once. maybe I do not enjoy driving much. Four hours of drive is no much better six hours of flight.

At least half of the people on 858 are Chinese. Just ask someone to send her to the gate of 862. Have some food before boarding.

匿名天使 的头像


1. 从SFO转机要拿行李出来入关再找新登机口。费事
2. 已经坐了10多个小时飞机,转机,再做五六个小时飞机,累
3. 人生地不熟单独坐飞机和坐女儿/儿子的车感觉能一样吗?
4. 从波士顿到纽约大概3小试足够了。

结论,楼主的老公不够意思,应该去接丈母娘 (我猜楼主是女的)

匿名天使 的头像


匿名天使 的头像

(I can't type Chinese in this computer atm, sorry.)

Once your mother passes CBP (Customs and Border Protection) and DHS (Department of Homeland Security, after Customs), she will have 2 choices. To go left or right. One of the choices goes to the International Arrivals exit and the other goes to Connecting Flights. She needs to go to the Connecting Flights direction and drop off her checked luggage (if any) for it to re-enter the checked luggage system at the airport. She the needs to clear TSA security again, look at the monitors and check the gate (it changes rapidly due to operational concerns) and get on her flight. This can be hard for someone NOT speaking English. Tell her to follow someone also connecting on another flight on United and tell her to follow her once she passes the customs area.

lz001 的头像


匿名天使Lily 的头像


匿名天使 的头像

我在中部都是让我妈直飞纽约 我飞过去接她的