Advice needed -- my parents' visa application

Hi Everyone,

I need your help and suggestion for the following case:

My parents got regected on their 5th attempt for American B2visa application on last August, and I wanted to see if they can give another try this month (november 2006). Last night, when I was about to call and make appointment for another try, I realized that both of their passports will be expired on 03/31/2006. There is a note on the website of US Consulate in Guangzhou which stated applicant needs to have "A passport with at least nine months validity beyond the anticipated arrival in the United States". I wonder if this means if I ask my parents to apply again in this month, they won't even be considered for visa at all just because of their passports' expiration date.

Can anyone give me some advice or suggestion if you happen to have similiar situation?

I appreciate any information.


匿名天使 的头像

need renew their passport first

MJ 的头像

I will definately to suggest to renew your parents' passport first. After all the hard work for preparing visa applications, and money, time that you invested into this, I won't take a chance!! The only thing is, I'm not sure if your parents are eligible to renew their passports yet. I believe it should be able to renew it within 60 days or 90 days before the expiration date.

Good Luck!!