
我单身, 准备办理H1工作签证,从国内的分公司调去美国的分公司。请问现在单身的人现在还是很难取得的美国的H1工作签证吗?我目前的工作地在江苏,但户口在广东,我应该去哪个领馆办理? 初次办理,望各位多给点意见。

CathyXu 的头像


匿名天使 的头像

It doesn't matter you are single or married.

匿名天使 的头像

H1b is different from other non-immigration visas. As H1b applicant, you are allowed to have immigration intention. So single or married, won't affect your change to get the visa. the only thing you need make sure is, bring all documents required (make sure they are real) and you need prove you qualify this job (it is legal).

CathyXu 的头像

Many thanks for all advise.
Just there were many people said that it is a bit difficult to get it if single.

CathyXu 的头像

Many thanks for all advise.
Just there were many people said that it is a bit difficult to get it if single.