Visa Appointment Got Rescheduled

I made an appointment for 9/29 h1-b in Beijing and then got a notice that the embassy will be closed to 9/29-10/3 and my appointment was rescheduled to 9/26 (Friday). The problem is the visa process time is 2-3 business days. Does it mean I get visa on 10/8? Anyboday has more information on this issue. Is it possible that the embassy works on 9/27 (Sat) and 9/28 (Sun)?


匿名天使 的头像

no way they work at weekend.

if they have rescheduled your interview to an earlier date, what do you worry about, you should get your visa earlier than scheduled, right?

dalezhang 的头像

Well, orginally they said they would work on 9/29, 9/30. So I am fine. But now they don't work on those two days and I have no idea how long it is gonna take.

匿名天使 的头像

should be no problem.

but i guess you can let them rush the visa on Friday. i know someone get their visa on the same day when they have valid/special reason.

dalezhang 的头像

By no problem, you mean they will get my visa process still within two days?
Thanks for the reply. I'll definitely try to ask them to expedite the process.