飞亚旅游 Wings of Asia Travel
“飞亚旅游”WINGS OF ASIA TRAVEL在美国纽约注册登记;在美国纽约和中国北京均开设了办公室为中外商务及旅游客户提供机票定座,邮轮旅游,团组旅行安排,商务会展行程,公务包机预订,自驾自助套餐,公私访问安排和签证协助等服务及客户特定要求内容的定制服务项目。“飞亚旅游”具有中美两地最优惠的票务资源和商务服务网络,“飞亚旅游”愿意尽心竭力地为中外客户提供满意的服务并能满足各类不同客户的要求。欢迎来电。
Wings of Asia Travel Inc. is registered and located at New York as a full service travel agency. Wings of Asia Travel has established the offices in both New York and Beijing to provide full travel services, including air-tickets, cruise tour, company and group travel arrangement, business shows and meeting schedule, jet flight for business travel, self-driving tour service, business and private visiting arrangement, and visa assistance as well as offer tailored solution and arrangement for clients who have specific needs and programs. Wings of Asia Travel has favorable ticket resources and business service relationship in both China and The United States, and is willing to offer our best services to satisfy our clients.
* 貌似对于这样的行程美国大多数代理都拿不到什么好价格甚至直接告知不办。飞亚这方面算是比较灵活,而且这个价格就12月中旬旅游旺季而言还算可以接受了。
* 跟飞亚的两个人包括Ms. Sun通过话,态度都不错。
* 11/11问的时候是$800,11/13去订就涨到$815了...
* 不能用信用卡买国内出发的机票。
I am really pleased with the service and price.
价钱是我问的几家里面最便宜的, 服务也不错, 但是好像他们很忙, 所以回复会慢一点
very nice!!cheap ticket price !!!!