





我:Good morning. seems like you are quite so busy eh?

VO: Hi, oh yes. Have you ever been to the US before?

我:Yes, I've uh been to the US three times in 2010, I don't know whether you can check the record because I was using business passport back then. You know this is my first time using my own money to travel(我笑), it's very expensive yes but I am OK to afford it now(我笑).

VO(小笑):OK, well uh, what did you do in the US in 2010?

我:Half business half travel, you know, there was my first time ever been in the US, so I took the chance to travel with COMPANY's money as much as I could. I've been to New York, Philadelphia, Houston, Atlanta, Kansas City, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Here, here are the pictures in there in case you don't have the record in the computer.


VO: Well, what impressed you in each city?

我确实去了,要问每个城市,每个城市对你的深刻印象,就得最快速度回想和编撰,不论是否是最深刻的印象,what pops up in brain in flash.

我:Well uh...New York the big apple, I could walk in there, or took subways, the Philadelphia, the Independence Hall was always under construction eh, Houston was hot, hot me to death really, um the uh Atlanta, yes, the MARTA card you know the subway, cannot be returned, I am sad that I bought two cards and took them home, Las Vegas yea Vegas baby, I was walking on the street at 1 o'clock in the morning can you believe it? and eh, Los Angeles, traffic jam I never saw the day time LA....Yes.

VO: Which city do you like best

我:Well um, uh I might say New York because I don't have car, I can walk in there and take subways.

VO:Do you have enough fund to support your travel in there?


我:Yea, absolutely, I have savings also incomes every month, that is not a problem for me to travel for 10 days along.

VO:OK, you have a wonderful trip!
我:Grrreat, thank you sir, wish you have a pleasant day as well.

这次挺自信挺冒险。没有多准备资料,就只能多说话了,好歹都是真实情况。关键是轻松自信,聊天性质,必过,trust me。另外,真正老外聊天各种uh,em作为停顿思考,完全可以用,这样就不至于
