我:Good afternoon, sir(露齿微笑)
他:(面无表情)Oh, good afternoon. Let me see...uh, you are applying for F-1 visa. Which school will you attend?
我:George Washington University.(沉默一会儿我发现他在录信息,立刻主动补充)My major is Tourism and...
他:(抬头)And what?
我:(一头黑线赶紧解释)Sir, there is a problem...(我就解释上面那个问题blablabla)
他:Oh, I see(继续没表情)It doesn't matter.(啪啪啪打字ing)Well then, what kind of job are you working for now?
李:I'm a senior student here in Beijing now, sir. I haven't got my bachelor degree.
他:Which school are you attending now?
他:Another question, where will you live in Washington D.C?
我:Well, I decided to rent a house with another student from GWU.
他:Let me have a look at your fee in America. Who will pay the tuition and fee for you?
我:My parents. They all have stable jobs.
他:There jobs, please?
我:(机智之处来了)My parents studied in the USA years ago and they both got degrees in different universities. They are now working in China.
他:(一听这话马上就笑了)Ok, amazing. Approved! I wish you can enjoy yourself during the three years in America!
我:Thank you, sir. It is my pleasure to meet you. Bye!