[签证预约] H1B 广州 12/17/2009
Yesterday I was told that the earlist date is 12/03/2009.
Today, I called again and used the sentence recommended by others: "请问可不可以约12月17日的广州H1B类型签证?" The guy didn't answer my question directly but wanna to claim my personal info ... I was kind of mad and told him that I had called this number serval times already. I therefore asked him whether he could check the availability b/f he collected my info? He then checked the system and told me that the time slot for 12/17/2009 @8am was available now ...
Hope this helps ...
The following is copied from others:
1. 先看这片文章大家打预约电话需要说的第一句话
2. 如果你是F1可以跟他说明你不需要学生专场
3. 你说你有特殊情况,必须要约某一天(比如你家不在北京,只能在下飞机第二天签证)
4. 你提前告诉他你有电子DS156表格(带条形码的)
5. 你说你朋友约到了同样类型的签证,就是你想要的那天
2009-11-24 01:44
匿名天使 (未验证)
2009-11-24 08:57
Thank you so much for the helpful info! I am also waiting for this date.
Cafe (未验证)
2009-11-24 18:49
Thanks for the post. I'd second the above. I have made 8 to 10 appointments over the past 3 years. there are a couple times that the service is so bad and make me mad. I am under the impression that they try to use up my minutes, like pay 50 yuans for 12 minutes, but literally can make one appointment. They asked some kinds of unrelated questions and repeat what I just told them and ask for confirmation, during a phone, like my passport number and name got mentioned for 4 times. (what the heck) and ask if it is right. Secondly it seems they might tentically control some time slot and make people to call again and again, I wish I could be wrong on this. but I heard my friends complained this as well.
My recommendation:
1. Be brief and firm. If you get asked for some info in improper timing, then tell them shut up for now. Get what you want to know. say the exact time slot you want to get. I once got asked for my China ID number, I said I don't have one. (you know, passport number really suffice)
2. Tell them you want to make a formal complaint on the poor service. If you are really dissatisfied. They might serve you well. (sorry, sometimes it works this way).
Over the years, I rarely heard people saying good expereice on getting visa. Unfortunely the bad expereince starts from making the appointment. With that, I wish everyone good luck.
匿名天使 (未验证)
2010-02-19 00:09