签证申请人可以帮助我们决定他们是否符合签证资格首先能做的就是: 要有一个清晰明确的赴美旅行计划, 并能清楚全面地解释这个计划。 如果申请人糊里糊涂,且对旅行详情浑然不知,这样通常会使签证官认为是一种不诚实的表现。申请人模棱两可或是没组织好的回答,不管是有意或无意的, 都会使签证官不相信申请人的赴美意图,从而导致拒绝签证申请。同样,在回答签证官问题时,一个只会背颂讲稿的申请人,也无法使签证官员相信他们是自然的在提供相关信息。http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5f3bc5d00100rs46.html
其次,申请人应该准备并整理好他们认为可以帮助他们清楚解释自己状况的文件材料,最理想的是把这些材料放在一个文件夹中,使之可以一次性的递交给签证官。 虽然签证官通常会把重点放在申请人和面谈上面,而不是申请材料,但是有些类别的申请肯定是需要特定的材料 – 例如, 所有的F1学生签证申请人必须出示他们的I-20表格和提供他们可以承担在美期间学习费用的资金证明。有时签证官可能不会要求你出示任何材料, 但是申请人最好携带所有文件,带来了不需要,总比需要而没带来要好。有关不同类型的签证所需要的支持性材料,请访问我们的网站:http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/niv_visatypes.html
What is the biggest mistake that some applicants make?
The number one thing that applicants can do to help us determine they are qualified for the visa is for them to have a clear idea about their travel plans and to be able to explain those plans clearly and comprehensively. If the applicant seems confused or does not know details, this can often appear to the officer as a sign of dishonesty. Whether the applicant is intentionally or unintentionally being evasive or disorganized, this can often lead the officer to deny the application because of not being confident of the applicant’s intentions. At the same time, however, an applicant who memorizes a speech will also not seem to be naturally presenting information in response to the officer’s questions. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5f3bc5d00100rs46.html
Secondly, applicants should try to prepare and organize any documents they believe will help explain their circumstances and ideally have them in a single folder that can be presented to the officer all at once. Although officers generally focus on the person and the interview, and not documents, some types of cases absolutely require certain documents – for example, all F1 student visa applicants must have a form I-20 and evidence of financial ability to fund their studies. While the officer may not ask to see any documents at all, it’s better to bring the document and not need it than to need it and not have brought it. For a discussion of what types of documents may assist for different visa classes, see our website here, http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/niv_visatypes.html
2011-12-16 12:51