[签证经历] B2 上海 11/20/2008
我妈妈的情况: 农民, 普通话说的不好, 不认识字, 从没出过我们当地, 存折不到两万块钱, 在农村里有自己建的房子, 有三个孩子(我还有一个弟弟和妹妹)。
我的情况:F1 学生, 2002年来美, 回去国三次, 最近一次是去年3月份。 现在和老婆儿子住在美国(儿子刚在四个月)。
我妈妈的情况不是很好, 准备签证的时候也就觉得只有50%的机会。真的很高兴
最后能过了。 是一个白人年轻签证官。 下面是问题:
妈妈: 签证官您好, 我去看我儿子, 这是我儿子给你的信还有我儿子系里的信
VO: 你儿子在哪儿读书?
妈妈: 有了
VO: 多大了
妈妈: 四个月了。
妈妈: 三个。 大儿子在美国。 女儿结婚了, 在做生意。 小儿子在xx读博士。
几点 体会:
1. 材料要好好准备, DS156/DS157 千万别填错了。 我妈妈不认识字, 这可是致命的。 我查了很多遍(中文名字, 电码, 父母的签名), 最后表格确实没出问题。材料真实就行,不用太担心。房产证我妈拿的就是宅基地证明(农村就只有这个)。
2. 给签证官的信很重要 (父母的邀请信), 用心写, 但不能太长, 要控制在一页之内, 只有这样签证官看的机会才大。最好能在一见面的时候递上去。 我妈妈是这样做的,效果确实不错。
3. 一个懂英语的在国内帮助父母真的很好。我弟弟在南京读博士,我的材料提前寄给他的。 我妈妈提前两天住在那儿,我弟弟帮助她熟悉材料, 和签证的问题(我之前也和妈妈练了一些重要的问题)。我妈妈最后对所有的材料和问题都比较清楚了(这一点也要佩服老妈, 真的学的很快)。 所以在签证前一天的时候, 我的信心已经多了写。时间长些会有帮助, 毕竟父母的学习能力有限, 慢慢的来。最后我弟弟陪我妈妈去上海签证的, 还帮我妈妈找了一个一起签证的mm. 真的很感谢我的弟弟(还有妹妹,花了一个下午跑遍县城里几乎所有的店为了给我妈去买一套大方点的衣服。)。
4. 对我妈这种情况,在排队的时候找一个一起签证的人帮帮真的很重要。 我妈妈不会写字, 我之前最担心她没有办法填写邮寄单。上面说了, 排队的时候我弟弟给她找了一个一起签证的南京的学生mm, 真的帮助很大。 这个学生mm不仅给我妈填了邮寄单, 还告诉我妈妈在你面该怎么做, 让我妈妈少受了很多的苦。真的非常的感谢这个学生mm, 希望她的签证也一切顺利(我妈妈先签完)。
November 11, 2008
U. S. Consulate
Shanghai, China
Re: B1/B2 Non-immigrant Visa Application of XXX
Dear Sir/Madam:
This letter is submitted in support of the B1/B2 Non-immigrant visa application of my mother XXX (Passport Number: XXX). I am currently a PhD student at the University of XXX in XXX. I came to the United States in 2002, and have returned back to China to visit my parents three times, in December 2002, August 2003, and March 2007.
I would like to invite my mother to visit me and look around in the USA this winter and pay all travel and living expenses for her. My mother is a farmer. Since winter is the least busy time for a farmer, it will be great for her to take three months off and visit me while my dad stays at home to take care of the farm. She will have chance to experience the wonderful holiday season in XXX. She will also travel with me around the States. This visit will give my mom the opportunity to see what the USA looks like, to see what kind of life I live in the USA. What is more, this visit will also give me a chance to thank my mother for all things she has done for me.
After a short stay in the USA, I think my mother will absolutely return back to China because of the following two factors. Firstly, my mother runs her own farm and lives a peaceful life in our small hometown. The farm generates stable incoming for her and she does not worry about losing jobs. My mother deeply loves our small hometown, where she grew up, married, and raised children. She lives a traditional Chinese life there and has six brothers and sisters that live nearby. Secondly, my mother has strong family ties in China. My father is at home and her other two children are also in China. My younger sister and her husband run a small business in our hometown and have an 8 year old son. My parents spend a great deal time with them and love my sister’s son very much. My younger brother is still a PhD student at XXX University and is not yet married. My mom’s father is still alive and is 88 years old and she has to go back to take care of him.
My mother and I are looking forward to this family reunion and having a very happy time in the USA. Any courtesy you can extend to my mother and your positive judgment will be highly appreciated. Please feel free to contact me at xxxx if you need more information.
Yours sincerely,
1. 签证费收据(1份) Receipts of Application Fee (1)
2. 护照(1本) Passports (1)
3. DS-156(英文,3张) DS156 (English with Bar code, 3pages)
4. DS-157 (英文,1张) DS157 (English, 1 pages)
1. 户口本及身份证 Residence Booklet and ID
2. 房产证 Title deed of housing
3. 照片Photos
4. 银行存款证明 Certificate of Bank Deposits
5. 妹妹妹夫的名片 Business Card of My Sister and My Brother-in-law
6. 弟弟的学生证 Student ID Card of My brother
1. 儿子写给签证官的信 Letter to Visa Officer from Inviter
2. 儿子系里给签证官的信 Letter to Visa Office from Inviter’s department
3. 护照复印件 (2: 新,旧) Photocopy of Passport (2 copies: new and old)
4. 签证/I-94复印件 Photocopy of Visa Stamps, I94
5. I20复印件 Photocopy of I20
6. 社会安全卡/驾照/医疗保险卡/ 学生证复印件 Photocopy of SSN Card/Driver’s
Lience/Health Insurance Card/ UM Student ID Card
7. 儿子的成绩单 Inviter’s Transcript from the University of Michigan
8. 工资单复印件 Photocopy of Pay Stub (3 months)
9. 税表复印件 Photocopy of W-2 form (3 years)
10. 银行存款证明 Statement of Bank Balance (Checking and CD)
11. 儿子儿媳结婚证 Photocopy of Marriage Certificate (two copies)
12. 国际长途电话纪录 International Phone Call Records (4 months)
1. 妻子护照复印件 Photocopy of Passport of Inviter’s Wife
2. 妻子签证和I-94 复印件 Photocopy of Visa and I-94 of Inviter’s Wife
3. 妻子社会安全卡/驾照复印件 Photocopy of SSN card/Driver’s License of Inviter’s Wife
4. 妻子I797复印件 Photocopy of I797 of Inviter’s Wife
匿名天使 (未验证)
2008-11-23 00:54
匿名天使 (未验证)
2008-11-23 09:39