They do not ask you about DS-156 when you make an appointment for the visa interview. Also, the system will generate a new DS-156 after you modified your previous DS-156. Be sure to bring the modified DS-156 with you at the time when you go for your visa interview. Good Luck.
匿名天使 (未验证)
2007-02-16 00:07
They do not ask you about DS-156 when you make an appointment for the visa interview. Also, the system will generate a new DS-156 after you modified your previous DS-156. Be sure to bring the modified DS-156 with you at the time when you go for your visa interview. Good Luck.
求問的天使 (未验证)
2007-02-23 09:34
DS-156 是否面談時給簽證官的那份最後才會進入電腦﹖之前試填時生成的那些不會有什麼作用或影響對嗎﹖否則可就太混亂了。謝謝。緊急求問﹗