Help! Can I pick up passport on Friday if visa interview is Wed afternoon? (Shanghai)

Help! Can I pick up passport on Friday if the visa interview is Wed afternoon? I'll have interview in Shanghai on Wed 1pm, and the flight is on Sunday. I know the schedule is quite pressed but this is the only time slot I can get after calling several times...

Many thanks!

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pandacake 的头像


匿名天使 的头像

Two years ago my mom got her B2 VISA the day after interview. BTW,she was interviewed every early morning,we are in Shanghai and we got it by EMS.
Good luck.

pandacake 的头像

Thanks for your information!

匿名天使 的头像

LZ, 如果我是你,我会看看能不能提前预约。 你可以发email给使馆领事馆试一下,告诉他们你约到的日子和飞机返回的时间。


最好还是提前约。 否则太risky了