本人在美国F1 爸妈B2来探亲,所准备的材料

我父母准备15年也就是明年5月份来,机票现在肯定定不了。。那这样隔着太久远了会不会增加被拒签的可能? .

4)存折、身份证、护照、银行对帐单、房产证、车证、户口本、结婚证、全家福照片(已经准备好了); 孩子的出生证明 (这个要是找不到了在哪里弄。。) 亲属关系公证
5) 退休或者在职证明
2: 我父亲自己开公司,用自己公司的信纸开,以公司的口吻,让开信的经手人(秘书、主任)签字并留电话。
4: 邀请函这个模板
To whom it may concern,
My name is XX and I am a third year graduate student working in XX group in the department of XX at the XX University. I am writing this letter to invite my father, XX(passport #: XX), and my mother, XX(passport #: XX) to come to the United States to visit me. They will arrive at the U.S. in XX (哪个月), and they will stay for XX months.
During their stay they will stay with me in my apartment at XX(你家地址). They will support their travel fees as well as any other expense in this trip, meanwhile the money in my bank account (the XX bank) will cover any expense during emergency situations. Please find our financial proofs in the supporting material for visa application if needed. I am under the contract to work as a research assistant in the XX lab at XX University for a salary of approximately $XX/year. Please find a copy of my passport, visa, I-20 and other documents in the supporting material for your reference.;
Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is any question
Thank you!

Ph.D. candidate,
Department of XX, XX University
Email: XX@X
Address: XXX

您好。我的名字是XX,现在XX大学(the XX University) XX系攻读博士学位,工作于XX研究组。现邀请我的父亲XX(护照号XX),母亲XX(护照号XX),赴美探望我。他们预计将于X月到达美国,在美停留X个月的时间。


匿名天使 的头像

本公司是专业国际机票代理有限公司的,我司的优势在欧,美,加,中东,东南亚,日,韩线路,可以在各大航司里能拿到特价机票,执有F1 F2 J1 J2 签证的同学可以拥有学生特价机票,我司还提供商务,头等特价,目前与AA UA DL QR VS BA TG LH LX ET SU AC CA MU CX AF AY KL TK EY 等航司合作,此外,从即日起在我司出机票的朋友可以免费赠送一张100万的航空意外险,一年有效,可以多次乘座,有需要的朋友可以加我的微信13917542589,邮箱:13917542589@163.com,,QQ:2982021440,289773883