DS-160表在线填写时,关于家庭电话一栏,如果没有家庭固定电话该怎么填写? 我住单位宿舍,没有固定电话 还有护照编号是哪个号呀?是护照右侧的那个8位数的编号吗? 谢谢!
2010-07-01 07:02
匿名天使 (未验证)
2010-07-01 14:08
any phone number is OK, as long as they can reach you with that number.
Chinese passport doesn't have BOOK NUMBER
2010-07-01 15:00
I am filling DS-160 form for my mom. There is a question of Travel Information,
Person/Entity Paying for Your Trip: (支付您行程的个人或组织名) -Select One- 1. Self 2. Other Person 3. Company/Organization
So which one I need to select 1 or 2? Of cause I will pay my mother’s trip. Thank you so much!
2010-07-01 22:01
I am filling DS-160 form for my mom. There is a question of Travel Information, Person/Entity Paying for Your Trip: (支付您行程的个人或组织名) -Select One- 1. Self 2. Other Person 3. Company/Organization So which one I need to select 1 or 2? Of cause I will pay my mother’s trip. Thank you so much!
You should select 2.other person.
jixia (未验证)
2010-07-04 19:02
you should check others. even you are not paying it. if they see your mom is paying that herself, then there is slight chance they think she wants to immigrate to the states.
2012-12-06 04:15
2010-07-01 07:02
匿名天使 (未验证)
2010-07-01 14:08
any phone number is OK, as long as they can reach you with that number.
Chinese passport doesn't have BOOK NUMBER
匿名天使 (未验证)
2010-07-01 15:00
I am filling DS-160 form for my mom. There is a question of Travel Information,
Person/Entity Paying for Your Trip: (支付您行程的个人或组织名)
-Select One-
1. Self
2. Other Person
3. Company/Organization
So which one I need to select 1 or 2? Of cause I will pay my mother’s trip. Thank you so much!
匿名天使 (未验证)
2010-07-01 22:01
You should select 2.other person.
jixia (未验证)
2010-07-04 19:02
you should check others. even you are not paying it. if they see your mom is paying that herself, then there is slight chance they think she wants to immigrate to the states.
匿名天使 (未验证)
2012-12-06 04:15